San Antonio Pool Cleaning Blog

Necessary Pool Cleaning Chemicals

Keeping your pool spotless and clear can be a difficult task, particularly if you don’t have the correct chemicals. Have the essential chemicals in stock for regular maintenance and foreseen water issues. Beneath are the pool chemicals that every pool owner should be familiar with to keep their pool healthy and sparkling.

​These are the synthetic compounds that you use to keep water cleaned and sterilized. There ought to be a consistent degree of chlorine (or bromine) in the water consistently.

  • TriChlor

 3″ tabs, or 1″ tabs or sticks. With cyanuric corrosive. Add them to a chlorine floater or installed chlorinator. 

  • DiChlor:

A granular with cyanuric corrosive. The powdered structure acts rapidly to chlorinate pools, fountains, and spas.

  • Bromine

 1″ tabs. Incredible for spas. It works better in heated water and can be recovered by shocking. More pH steady also. 

  • Cyanuric Acid

Liquid or dry chlorine stabilizer. Shields chlorine from harm by UV beams. Add small quantities to dichlor and trichlor; include extra if the pool became depleted to keep up 30-50 ppm. Channel some water and top off if CYA levels get a lot higher than 50 ppm.

Oxidizers are the auxiliary sanitizer, utilized at regular intervals to kill algae and microbes. Chlorine or non-chlorine shocks are in a powdered kind. All you have to do is open the pack and empty it into the pool.

  • Calcium Hypochlorite

The purpose of Cal Hypo pool shock is to rapidly purify pool water, help chlorine levels, and eliminate algae. This oxidizer works best with a low pH level of around 7.2. 

  • Chlorine-Free Shock

Granular potassium monopersulfate (non-chlorine). A quick-acting oxygen-based sanitizer that consumes clean with no buildup, and you can swim just after treatment.

Water Balancers
To keep your water in balance, you should test the pool a few times each week for chlorine and pH levels and alter as needed. Test complete alkalinity at regular intervals or if you experience pH difficulties, and test calcium hardness and cyanuric acid levels each month.

  • pH Increaser -Granular Soda Ash

Increase pH when levels fall underneath 7.2 ppm. 1 lb of pH Up will raise pH around 1-click, from 7.2 to 7.3. 

  • pH Reducer -Granular Sodium Bisulfate, or Dry Acid

Reduce pH when levels transcend 7.6 ppm. It can also bring down complete alkalinity. 1 lb pH down will bring down pH around 3-ticks, from 7.8 to 7.5 in 10000 gallons of pool water.

  • Alkalinity Increaser: Granular Sodium Bicarbonate

Boost total alkalinity when levels fall under 80 ppm.

  • Calcium Hardness Increaser: Granular Calcium Chloride

 Increase Calcium hardness when levels fall under 150 ppm. 

Specialty Chemicals 
Numerous specialty chemicals can prove to be useful when unforeseen issues emerge or to keep your pool look its best! Beneath are some of the chemicals specialization that you might need to know. 

  • Algaecides

Some are copper-based, most are non-metallic polymers. Assists with keeping algae from filling in your pool – use pool shock to eliminate its growth, and algaecides to prevent it from returning.

  • Enzymes 

Enzymes separate oils and different types of non-living natural organic from the water, eliminating rubbish, oils, and scents. 

  • Filter Cleaners 

Filter cleaners clean the sand and cartridge filter components to keep your channel functioning admirably. Eliminates oils, minerals, metals, and other filter obstructing gunk. 

  • Metal Magnets 

Sequestering operators secure the trace metals from the water and keep them in solution to make sure they don’t recolor your pool surfaces. 

  • Phosphate Removers 

Phosphates are an essential food hotspot for green growth. Without food, algae can’t live for long.

What Chemicals Should You Keep In-Stock? 
As a base, the typical pool will need to keep the following chemicals in-stock – despite whether you utilize a salt chlorinator, you will need these other pool synthetic substances occasionally: 

  • Chlorine tablets and pool shock
  • Pool pH Up as well as pH Down 
  • Test strips or test unit 

Each pool will likewise require different synthetic substances to raise calcium, cyanuric, or alkalinity levels, as a rule once a year. Also, clarifiers, enzymes, algaecides can be a significant help for the general daily routine when all of your other options have been exhausted!

The Methods To Make Your Pool Water Crystal Clear

Having a pool in your lawn can be a pleasant method to keep cool during the blistering summer months. However, keeping up a swimming pool is additionally tedious work, especially if you need to keep the water clear throughout the season.

 If you disregard your pool, the water can turn overcast, dim, and even green in a rush. In any case, it just makes a couple of steps rehearsed regularly to keep your pool clear and sparkling. By doing so, your swimming pool is consistently prepared for your loved ones when they decide to have fun in your outdoor pool. Beneath are the things that you need to do to make your pool water crystal clear.

Maintain Chemical Levels 
Keeping up legitimate substance levels in your pool is the most significant step in keeping the water utterly clear. The fundamental levels to screen are the chlorine and pH. Chlorine usage eliminates germs and microbes in pool water, so it assumes a significant function in keeping the water clear. 

The pool’s pH level quantifies how acidic or basic the water is, impacts how powerful the chlorine is in keeping the water clean. Utilize a water testing unit to quantify the chlorine and pH levels around two times every week – the chlorine should gauge somewhere in the range of 1.0 and 3.0 parts per million, while the pH level should peruse somewhere in the extent of 7.2 and 7.6.

Apply Shock and Algaecide Weekly 
Even if you maintain the right chlorine and pH levels in your pool, the water may require a little boost to keep it clear and sparkling. Each week, you should shock or super-chlorinate your water pool to kill any waiting microorganisms or algae growth that might be developing.

Your pool filter assumes an essential part of keeping the water completely clear since it eliminates dirt and microscopic debris from the water to keep it clean. If you need your channel to stay working appropriately, in any case, you should clean it consistently as well.

This cycle is called backwash and includes the water moving through the framework the other way to wipe out the filter. If your water begins to look shady, it’s an ideal opportunity to backwash your filter. You can evade cloudiness, nonetheless, by taking note of your pool’s typical gauge, pressure reading, and backwashing at whatever point the weight is 5 to 7 pounds for every square inch over the average reading.

Removing Debris Regularly 
To keep your pool water clear and shimmering, you should eliminate natural materials like leaves, bugs, and different trash. While your filter eliminates littler particles, enormous things may not make it into the framework. On the off chance that they’re left to sit in the water, they can separate and leave the pool grimy and overcast. Make a propensity for skimming the pool consistently to eliminate larger debris. Depending on the landscape that encompasses your swimming pool, a few times per day might be adequate. Keep your pool clean and actually enjoy the Texas heat!

The Amount Of Time Water Can Sit In A Pool Without Chlorine

Pool Owner Tips

The water can sit in a pool without chlorine for just 24-48 hours. Anything beyond that timeframe can cause the water to become unhealthy.

Pool Without Chlorine
Having a chlorine-free seems like a healthy, chemical-free option in contrast to conventional chlorine sanitizer in pools. It is entirely reasonable that individuals ought to be worried about their wellbeing, and one doesn’t need to look too far to consider finding reports featuring chlorine exposure as a possible concern.

But, does having chlorine in the pool have potential danger?

Chlorine in Pool
Chlorine sounds awful and seems like the sort of concoction that you would NOT have any desire to swim in, yet actually, this is a misguided judgment. If chlorine is so dangerous and hurtful and possibly a presentation of danger, why reason does drinking water have chlorine in it? The water that we are drinking has been chlorine-purified for more than 100 years. Salt has chlorine in it, as do numerous types of plastics assembling, like PVC. If it is so risky, why is it in a significant number of the items that we use consistently – the most significant things we ingest, such as water.

The fact is, a pool without chlorine is much more dangerous than the one that has. You cannot go and plunge yourself into a water pool that has no protection whatsoever. 

If the water is left without any chlorine in it for a day or two, then forget about swimming; Unless you don’t mind swimming in a pool full of bacteria.

Why Chlorine?
Chlorine has unimaginably significant benefits that are required to keep up a safe and bacteria-free pool. If you begin to look towards other options in contrast to chlorine, it is this rundown that you should know.

Chlorine is one of the most incredible synthetic concoctions that meet the standards of still “safe” in the levels where you are exposed. Without these four characteristics, there is a chance of danger for nasty stuff to develop in the water and conceivably make you sick.

Characteristics of Chlorine
The characteristics of chlorine are considered top-notch in providing a safe and protected swimming environment for people who love to swim in the pool so much. The following are the essences that chlorine possesses:

  • Oxidizer
  • Algaecide
  • Sanitizer
  • It holds a residual value of water

With these qualities, chlorine sanitizes, kills bacterias, and provide a bacteria-safe swimming experience. 

What if I don’t want to use chlorine in my pool?
​If you don’t want to use chlorine in your pool, you will then realize the effect after. Your water will not have a disinfectant that can combat and eliminate the bacterias. Without the four characteristics that can only find in chlorine, you are making room for bacterias to roam around your pool water and can cause potential health issues. It is a fact that unpurified water can host a wide range of horrendous, concealed risks. 

Remember that water can only sit in the pool without chlorine for only 24-48 hours. Anything beyond that timeframe, you can expect that the water already has organic contaminants that put your health at risk. If you don’t want to use chlorine, find a suitable substitute that can sanitize and disinfect your pool as chlorine does.
How Often Should A Pool Be Serviced?

San Antonio Pool Cleaning Tips

Having a pool is a significant drawcard with the blistering summers. The only drawback of it is the compromise that you have to keep on as the head of maintenance. 

Fortunately, there are pool specialists accessible to do the job. Not only does professional upkeep keep your pool looking extraordinary, but it also additionally guarantees that your pool gear is running effectively to stay away from costly issues down the track. 

So, how often should a pool be serviced? Let’s find out!

Build up your timetable Concerning the recurrence of having your pool serviced, it’s an individual choice. If it’s all okay to you doing the general upkeep, infrequent pool servicing toward the start and end of the period may be sufficient to look over your equipment and guarantee everything is running smoothly. 

If you don’t have the opportunity to keep on top of pool maintenance, then adjusting throughout the mid-year months can ease the pressure off. You can likewise get your pool service expert before an occasion when you need the water to look shining, or when you wake up to the disgusting green pool and need assistance with the treatment. 

If you decided to have your pool serviced, make sure to choose a trustworthy pool service company that is happy to be adaptable and work around your pool necessities. You may also ask for guidance concerning how frequent pool servicing you may need. 

Keeping Up your Pool Between Services Bi-weekly Although getting the specialists can take off a load of work on your part, you will still need to keep on as the head of maintenance between service visits – especially if your servicing isn’t regular.

It’s best to check your filters bi-weekly to ensure that there’s no algae build-up into your filter system. Algae on the pool can bring bacteria and can clog your filter system.

If you have a sand filter, you may need to have a monthly backwash or more frequent than that if you’re using your pool a lot while if you are using a cartridge filter system, you may have to check your cartridge regularly to wash-out any build-up.

Weekly Pool pH Check-up Check the pH of your pool weekly during summer and a few weeks in winter. Expect to keep your levels somewhere in the range of 7.2 and 7.6. You can either bring your water into your neighborhood pool shop or utilize some at-home test packs. Throughout the late spring months, you have to guarantee that your pool is running at least 7-8 hours every day to get the water flowing.

Our Pool Service In our pool company service, we offer professional pool cleaning alongside with maintenance to keep your pool in perfect condition. 

Our services are top-notch and economical that cater to businesses like hotels, resorts, and home pools. Our certified specialists have the skills and experience to give you a clear and sparkling water outcome all year. 

For proficient pool administration, contact us today!